Crane's on Broadway
You know what would be cool? If someone thought of combining a bar with a coffee shop. Oh wait, someone has: It's called Crane's on Broadway. Finally, you can chase a beer with a delicious coffee with a bagel on the side without having to bring in your own case of PBRs to the local coffee shop. With their excellent coffees, alcohol selections, and food, you won't have to go anywhere else for any other meals! Breakfast, lunch, and dinner are all covered at Crane's--you might as well ask to move in! Like most coffee shops, they also have stamp cards (and double stamps on weekends) to give further incentive to continue to return again and again. This is the perfect spot to sit back and chill after a rough week. (Plus, can you say Bailey's Coffee?)
Crane's on Broadway
1555 Broadway St
Detroit, MI 48226